111 addition to other required conditions and to optional stipulations that may be attached-d to the approval of a conditiol1al use as provided by Article 6 of this Ordinance, the following criteria shall be satisfied for all conditional uses permitted in subsection 301.02.
Conditional uses permitted by subsection 301.02 of this section may be established on agricultural lands subject to the criteria set forth in this section and upon written findings by the Commission that each of the following is satisfied. A finding of non-applicability shall include a reason for the non- applicability.
A. The use or activities associated with the use will not force a significant change in or significantly increase the cost of accepted farming or forest practices on nearby lands devoted to farm or forest use.
B. The use will not materially alter the stability of the overall land use pattern of the area. In determining whether a proposed nonfarm dwelling will alter the stability of the land use pattern in the area, the cumulative impact of nonfarm dwellings on other lots or parcels in the area similarly situated and whether creation of the parcel will lead to the creation of other nonfarm parcels to the detriment of agriculture in the area will be considered pursuant to OAR 660-033-0130(4)(a)(D).
C. The use is situated on a parcel or portion of a parcel which is generally unsuitable for the production of faun crops and livestock considering the terrain, adverse soil or land conditions, drainage and flooding, vegetation and location and size of the tract. A lot or parcel shall not be considered unsuitable solely because of size or location if it can reasonably be put to farm or forest use in conjunction with other land.
D. When the use is a dwelling, the dwelling will be situated upon land which, as a condition of approval, can be approved for sub-surface sewage disposal or an approved alternative sewage disposal system.
E. The portion of land approved for a use under Section 301.02 of this Ordinance shall be disqualified from farm deferral where the land cannot reasonably continue in farm use.
F. Explanation acceptable to the County is provided to demonstrate that:
1) Existing public services, utilities, and road systems are adequate to accommodate the proposed use, or that any such need will be provided by the applicant.
2) The proposed development is designed to minimize adverse impacts to existing terrain, slope, and ground cover and to protect the immediate and surrounding area from potential adverse impacts caused by surface water run-off.
3) Water, both in terms of quantity and quality, is available and adequate for the use, and adequate provisions for solid waste disposal will be provided.
G. The use complies with such other conditions, as the Planning Commission considers necessary.